We always do the best and make every effort to achieve full customer satisfaction.
We are not simple “importers” or “distributors” but we have a privileged relationship with the companies we offer on the Libyan market.
Our staff has been trained in the production facilities of the companies we propose in order to know every detail of the items we sell.
In this way we can guarantee a solid assistance and precise answers to every type of request that we receive from our customers.
We leave nothing to chance : in our factory in Ain Zara, Tripoli, in addition to ensuring the availability of products and spare parts, we offer the possibility to produce on specific request of customers by delivering the finished goods directly to our customers’ warehouses.
Italian quality and long-term warranty with excellent value for money.
Each of our products comes with a certificate of origin “Made in Italy” and each of our customers, if requested, can visit our suppliers in Italy . We have nothing to hide.
We are not the least expensive, but the most transparent and clear in our business transactions by detailing the costs and expenses that lead to our selling prices because it is right that those who invest money know how and where they do it.